A1567 A Japanese current picture of mental stress by welding operation in chemical plants , which operation sometimes brings on explosions in Japan

Thursday, March 22, 2012
Ground Floor (Cancun Center)
Yasuhiro Fujimoto, Human Engineering and Risk Management Research Group, National Institute Of Occupational Safety And Health, Tokyo, Japan
We have found the type of most accidents on fire and explosion in Japan seems to be flammable gas/vapor explosions. Especially, we could notice that small explosions with the outside little damage made relatively many workers died or injured. For example, an explosion during welding repair work in storage tanks, etc.Here, as one of the industry in which they feel close to an explosion like this, we focus on the welding industry and present the research report of the current state on the workers' stress in the industry. The welding industry is an important industry which is the foundation of many Japanese manufacturers, such as automotive or chemical industries. Looking at the workers of the welding industry, many belong to the production line of large companies such as described above, then they must be receiving adequate support for health and safety. But there are also many workers who work alone or belong to a small company. They often engage temporary or contract jobs. Such workers may not always receive sufficient support for safety and health. It is very important how you support these people. now they seem not to be received sufficient care.

In this study, through interviews with such companies or workers, we pick up the needs of these workers, create the appropriate support for them, and discuss how we could offer the information to them.

For supporting these workers , the information for them must be simple, have many figures. We will try to provide documentations to them when they update the license once a few years.

The method to provide supporting information to workers when they updating the license will be useful for providing different kinds of information in the future.