SS064-2 The promotion of positive factors of the mental health

Thursday, March 22, 2012: 14:35
Bacalar 1 (Cancun Center)
Manuel Pando Moreno, Mexico
Although until now, the most common approach to describe the mental health remains in negative terms, namely, health understood through negative indicators, of disease, they are few authors who contribute to approaches aimed at defining health in terms positive mental health, among them: Marie Jahoda (1958), Gordon Allport (1961) y Strupp y Hadley (1977). Since the nineties, a series of approaches addressing the importance of positive mental health took strength, with concepts such as “positive psychology” and “eugenics work place”. Positive Psychology in the organizational field, is increasing the wealth of knowledge of Occupational Health Psychology, and put into application in enterprises require further work to develop the positive indicators of occupational mental health as it has been doing applying the concept of “work engagement”, but not enough, it requires the development of indicators as they could be the more self-esteem, social support networks and many other indicators that have the potential to show the level of positive mental health in the workplace. This, with the annex benefit in which the quality indicators of positive mental health, play usually a simultaneous role of protective factors against the effects of psychosocial risk agents working.