Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Faculty of Nursing and Nutriology
Master in Occupational Health program
- A1230Dose assessment in dentistry students during their radiological training without phantoms
- A1278Occupational Health Diagnosis in construction work; a Case at Chihuahua City
- A1279Oxidation damage in brick artisans exposed during the production process in the city of Chihuahua City, Mexico
- A1280Occupational health conditions Diagnosis in a Car Service Workshop
- A1340Occupational Health and Intervention Diagnostic at Canine Care Centers
- A1343Diagnostic and Training Proposal of Occupational Health in a Furniture Company in the Northern Mexico
- A1345Verification, Diagnosis and Monitoring of Occupational Health in an Agro-Biological Company
- A1348Quantification of the DNA fragmentation in artisan brick makers from Chihuahua, Mexico
- A1391Varices prevalence on lower members among night shift nursing personnel
- A1999Labor risks and demands in the process of chili harvest in Chihuahua agricultural region
- A2032Verification diagnostic and surveillance of occupational health in a municipal abbatoir in the north of Mexico