A1497 Precarious work and its repercussions on workers

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Ground Floor (Cancun Center)
Ana María Cuevas, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, Cuernavaca,, Mexico
in the last decades, a period of convulsions has occurred within the labor organizations, provoking changes in the production processes; such as the flexibility, which is a business strategy created to adapt to the new economical context, the technological development and the new working conditions. these changes have become a new entrepreneurial labor and social culture developing into what is known as labour precariousness or job insecurity

a literature review was conducted within international books and journals on the efects of precariousness and job insecurity among workers since 1990 to date.

some authors who have studied the impact of these changes on workers conclude that organizational commitment and job satisfaction have decreased. In addition to its efect on the attitudes, new forms of employment affect workers on their psychological and physical wellbeing. Impact of insecurity and uncertainty on the individual's health and stress is well documented. the experiencie of job insecurity also erodes the individual's identity and causes anonymity. these changes in work have become a permanent feature within labor organizations, also affected by the poor performance of tasks as well as by the lack of confidence of workers reflected on their intentions to resign or quit their jobs.

It is important that organizations and decision makers on job policies, know the effects that job precariousness causes on workers, this because organizations also are affected by the phenomenom. the state should also regulate labor-management relations to make it more fair and balance. more research must be done in the mexican context since the phenomenom of precaiousness and job insecurity has been studied litte.