SS087-4 Living with whole heart: Promotion of health at work among entrepreneurs

Wednesday, March 21, 2012: 17:00
Costa Maya 2 (Cancun Center)

Susanna Visuri, Finland
  • Visuri_al_livingwithwholeheart.pdf (270.9 kB)
  • Introduction  Micro-scale enterprises employing < 10 persons, incl. self-employed form 95 % of all enterprises in Finland. The entrepreneur and his/her capacities are in key role to certify that the enterprise is successful. Hectic business life with long working hours takes easily all entrepreneur''s attention and own health and wellbeing are forgotten. The entrepreneurs should be awaked to take care not only of the business but also of their own health.    

    Methods  A theme year, Living with whole heart, was launched in 2011. The focus was in four key factors related to entrepreneurs'' well-being at work (healthy nutrition/eating, physical health and its'' maintenance, safe working habits and conditions, time management/ time to family, time to me). The themes were fostered by organizing open-access events to entrepreneurs and their employees, publishing articles in business newspapers and in the internet. Also entrepreneurs'' local associations were activated to support not only the business but also the wellbeing of their members.    

    Results  Living with whole heart -themes reached entrepreneurs well. Entrepreneurs experienced that the campaign responded to their needs of getting "ready to use" information. They also had started to make improvements, a step by step. Most of the local associations of entrepreneurs had started activities to promote health of their members.    

    Discussion  Promotion of entrepreneurs'' activity to take care of their health and work environment should be primary when micro-scale enterprises are in question. Associations of entrepreneurs can be successful messengers also in this sector. Flourishing entrepreneurship, successful enterprises and the whole society need wealthy entrepreneurs.