A1816 The occupational health services in the rnv3p network: a complementary information system for prevention of occupationnal health problems

Tuesday, March 20, 2012: 17:00
Xcaret 2 (Cancun Center)
Elena Nerriere Catelinois, Risk Assessment Department, French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES), Maisons-Alfort, France
Melina Le Barbier, Risk Assesment Department, French Agency For Food, Environmental And Occupational Health And Safety (ANSES), Maisons-Alfort, France
Lynda Larabi, Occupational Diseases Department, Occupational Disease Consultation Centers (CCPP), Grenoble, France
Gérard Lasfargue, Risk Assessment Department, French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES), Maisons-Alfort, France
Maylis Telle-lamberton, Risk Assesment Department, French Agency For Food, Environmental And Occupational Health And Safety (ANSES), Maisons-Alfort, France
The 32 french occupational disease consultation centers (CCPP) and the 9 occupational health services (SST) constitute a medical experts network, the 'Réseau national de vigilance et de prévention des pathologies professionnelles (RNV3P)' or National Network for Vigilance and Prevention of Occupational Diseases. Exploratory analyses illustrate this complementary approach and describe how data from the SST can help detecting new consequences of work on health.

The RNV3P is a sentinel surveillance system using occupational health physicians who have agreed to report all occupational diseases among active workers. Every incident occupationnal health problem is collected by sentinel physicians during periodical patient’s visit. The analyses are based on internal analyses (odds-ratio OR) using as reference population for a specific sector, all the patients from the other sectors.

Sectors with higher OR for mental diseases are finance/trade (OR=7.46 CI95 % [4.87-11.44]). This results are similar to CCPP’one. Higher OR are seen for skin diseases for cleaners and domestic workers (OR=2.78 CI95 % [1.56-4.97]). Among agriculture workers (OR=3.22 CI95 % [2.26-4.60]) and construction workers (OR=1.62 CI95 % [1.33-1.97]) higher OR are for musculoskeletal disorders. This results are similar to CCPP’one for construction workers. OR for ear diseases are higher in construction (OR=7.14 CI95 % [4.68-10.91]) and education sectors (OR=5.28 CI95 % [1.55-18.03]).

These results and their coherence with data from literature show the ability of the network to provide interesting information for prevention. The point that should be keep in mind is these indicators are tools to identify prevention needs per sectors and not explaining reasons for diseases. Comparison between results observed in the two components (CCPP and SST) of the network needs further analyses.