A1769 National Programme for Elimination of Asbestos-Related Diseases in the Russian Federation

Thursday, March 22, 2012
Ground Floor (Cancun Center)
Evgeny Kovalevskiy, Industrial aerosols, Research Institute Of Occupational Health Of Russian Academy Of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
Nikolay Izmerov, Director, Research Institute Of Occupational Health Of Russian Academy Of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
Marina Shevireva, Department of Health Protection and Sanitary-Epidemiological Human Well-Being, Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
Natalia Kostenko, Department of Health Protection and Sanitary-Epidemiological Human Well-Being, Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
Global campaign for elimination of asbestos-related diseases – bearing in mind a differentiated approach to regulating its various forms – in line with relevant international legal instruments and the latest evidence for effective interventions, is properly stipulated by the Global Plan of Action on Workers’ Health for 2008–2017 adopted by 60th session of World Health Organization Assembly.

In 2007 ILO and WHO edited joint document “Outline for the Development of National Programmes for Elimination of Asbestos Related Diseases”. Taking in the account positions of ILO/WHO documents, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation issued an order to develop a project of National Program for Elimination of Asbes-tos-Related Diseases.

Informational resources mobilization – the development of national asbestos profile is needed for further successful planning and realization of practical measures. Initial version of National asbestos profile was prepared at 2009. At present formally system of basic legislative documents and regulations for safety in the use of asbestos is present in Russia. But at the same time practical safety regulations, threshold levels and control methods need to be revised and completed according national and international experiences. Sufficient work should be done on estimation of total number of persons exposed to asbestos from different sources, preparation of formal register of industries where exposure exists, estimated total number of workers at high risk. The con-tent of registers must include information on exposure levels typical for every professional and non profes-sional group and industry brunch in order to avoid as under-, as overrate the asbestos related diseases risks. Especially were stressed necessity of series of retrospective cohort epidemiological studies on evaluation of malignant neoplasm of lungs risk among workers and general population.

At 2011 draft of National Program for Elimination of Asbestos-Related Diseases was presented to government.