SS005.1-3 Protecting health workers from biological hazards: Success stories and good practices in Brazil

Tuesday, March 20, 2012: 14:55
Cozumel 4 (Cancun Center)
Cristiane Rapparini, Projeto, Projeto, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
In 2003, WHO conducted a pilot in Vietnam, Tanzania and South Africa, producing the toolkit “Protecting Health Care Workers (HCWs) from Needlestick injuries",WHO Collaborating Centers are working with WHO Regional Offices, governments and Public Health Institutions and cooperating countries in implementing the “Preventing Occupational Transmission of Bloodborne Pathogens among HCWs” project.Pathogens and other biological hazards among Health Care Workers (HCW)” project. Brazil implemented the NR32 Policy Occupational Health and Safety in healthcare facilities that include the use of safety devices.In 2010,  30 HCWs  from 7 Brazilian states and 11 Brazilian cities were trained with the safety devices and the toolkit. Success stories and good practices after the implementation of the training for the evaluation and selection of sharps with safety features to prevent injuries will be share during this special session.