How to go from applied research to prevention solutions for company employees?

Thursday, March 22, 2012: 08:30
Gran Cancun (Cancun Center)

Stephane Pimbert, France
Stéphane Pimbert  

Director general of the French Research and Safety Institute for the Prevention of Occupational Accidents and Diseases (INRS).

INRS was founded in 1947 in France under the auspices of the CNAMTS, the French National Health Insurance Fund.

INRS has a permanent staff of 635.

It has a joint Board of Directors (employers and employees), with representatives from the French Ministry of Labour and the French Ministry of Finance. In all INRS internal structures, social partners play an important role. 

INRS's mission is to prevent occupational accidents and diseases in France. This task spans risk identification to the dissemination of solutions to prevent accidents and diseases.

It has a broad scope of action: chemistry, nanotechnology, work equipment engineering, collective and personal protective equipment, psychosocial risks, musculoskeletal disorders, etc. 

It has four complementary means of action: studies and research, assistance to companies, training and information.

For three years now, we have been determined to introduce some cross-cutting study topics. We have created projects that associate our researchers, physicians and trainers in order for INRS to advance on these topics and take action.

For example, on the subject of allergies, we have a project that brings together researchers, physicians, trainers and communication and publication specialists.

In terms of studies and research, we are talking about applied research, always in connection with the other means of action, and constantly aimed at preventing occupational accidents and diseases.

  • Our action includes knowledge acquisition, the filing of patents and the dissemination of information. So far in 2011, we have filed almost 50 patents for prevention solutions. This research is meant to be as practical as possible in order to contribute to prevention.
  • Our studies and research also cover toxicology, epidemiology, metrology and mechanics. Mechanics involves radiation and protective enclosures related to machines. We therefore have a wide range of knowledge that can be disseminated to employees, employers and occupational physicians.
  • Needs are identified by researchers, social partners and also through companies’ assistance requests. We are convinced of the need to take into account the essential link between needs identification, research and prevention solutions.
  • We receive 35,000 direct requests per year by telephone, email and post. Through the Medical Studies and Assistance Division at INRS, companies have a direct link with our physicians.
  • We have seen that 72% of companies have changed their practices after requesting INRS for assistance. As Director general of INRS, I am pleased by this, because it shows that we can build a bridge between research and companies, and that INRS's solutions yield practical results.

In terms of training:

  • We do not conduct direct training, but train prevention specialists: committees for hygiene, safety and working conditions, occupational health services, physicians, etc. We engineer solutions, then training organisations can use our training goals inventories.
  • We provide distance training and ensure that prevention is part of the initial education of prevention specialists; we put to contribution experts and researchers from INRS.

Brochures are produced by a specialised division in connection with experts and researchers based on the work of the researchers.

  • Our new website ( receives an average of 40,000 hits per day; in 2010, the previous website recorded 33 million downloads. This allows research to reach employees and companies. In the past, the website content was provided mostly by our researchers and experts. We now offer four levels of information, from workers to researchers and experts.

I wish to cite two examples.

The SME plan is a response to the desire of INRS and the Board of Directors to encourage INRS management to provide specific and adequate solutions to SMEs. To achieve this, we have been collaborating with the professional branches and social partners, and our work covers theoretical studies on accidents to the drafting of brochures and the organisation of specific training and conferences for small companies.

We also have a programme on nanoparticles. Here, we go from research - toxicology and metrology studies - to training and information solutions. This was requested by occupational physicians. Therefore, on the subject of nanotechnology, we go from research (toxicology) to prevention (brochures, a web topic, training for occupational physicians).

Author: Stéphane Pimbert

Director general of the French Research and Safety Institute for the Prevention of Occupational Accidents and Diseases (INRS) since July 2009, Stéphane Pimbert was the Deputy Director general and Director of the INRS Research Centre from 2007 to 2009. Holding a Political Science and a Law degree, he was a management consultant and secretary-general of AFAQ/AFNOR (French quality insurance and standardisation organisation).


  • INRS website:
  • INRS website in English: