A2185 History of the Occupational Health in Brazil

Monday, March 19, 2012: 14:55
Isla Mujeres 4 (Cancun Center)
Ruddy Cesar Facci, Medical, Health At Work International Institute - Insat, Curitiba, Brazil
  • OH HISTORY IN BRAZIL.pdf (111.1 kB)
  • Introduction
    The Author presents a review of the history of occupational health in Brazil, concerning the last three centuries. This period was divided in 3 phases:
    1- slave labor
    2- immigrant labor
    3- industrial labor

    The subject of slave labor has been tackled in many medical schools which specialize in occupational medicine, early occupational diseases, pioneering occupational physicians or Brazilian laws on the subject.

    The creation on Fundacentro and the foundation of the National Association on Occupational Medicine of Brazil (ANAMT) are also described within, as well as their activities.

    The Author concludes the article by attributing great importance to the realization of the 30th International Congress on Occupational Health - ICOH2012 in Mexico, for the future of occupational health in Latin America