A1798 Bioethical deliberation as an instrument for the empowerment in values and basic principles, in occupational health professionals

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Ground Floor (Cancun Center)
Mariely Ramos, Salud Ocupacional, Universidad De Carabobo / Universidad José Antonio Paéz / Todo Salud Consultoria Integral, Naguanagua, Venezuela, RB
Marta Fracapanni, Directora Maestría en Bioética, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza Argentina, Mendoza, Argentina
Miguel Cabrera Reyes, Facultad de Educación, Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela, RB
The object of this study was to gather a group of trainees in occupational health, and promote in them the use of bioethics as a tool for their empowerment in the basic principles needed to solve various problems as members of a community. 

Active research, with qualitative and quantitative actions to define values; with deconstruction, analysis and reflections on the various policy instruments available. The piece of art, “an allegory of culture” was used as a symbolic frame of reference. 

1- The importance of the application of the strategy of empowerment in improving health in the population at large and especially in the work areas has been shown. 2- A fragmented and biologicist paradigm in the approach to health care still persists. 3- There are ethical problems that have to be dealt with by the area professionals in managing their work. 4- Current legislation, especially ethical codes, are mostly unknown and insufficient, for the practice of occupational health. 5- The methods used allowed for the analysis of the personal situation of the participants, their work environment, and compare results with the existing norms and regulations. 6- The use of bioethics has been accepted as a good addition to improving the mere scientific approach and adding a humanistic touch to medical practice. 7- Motivation and expectations were strengthened when empowerment was seen as a way to promote positive changes in all areas of the professional practice. 8- The acquisition of knowledge (empowerment) is attained through the application of bioethics, with its inherent critical analysis, reflective, and pluralistic thinking.

Promote a permanent review of the problems, by means of the bioethical deliberation method; the convergence of their sources and origins, whether they originate in management, safety services or in occupational health professionals