A1730 Case study: The laborer and work accidents

Thursday, March 22, 2012
Ground Floor (Cancun Center)
Liseane Sturm, PREVIDÊNCIA SOCIAL, Governo Federal, Caxias Do Sul, Brazil
Raul Escandiel, Serviço de Engenharia Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho, Sistema de Saúde Mãe de Deus, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Accidents during work are a major public health problem in Brazil. According to the Brazilian social security legislation, accident at work is one that happens during the course of work, causing body injuries or functional disorders that can cause death or loss or impairment (permanent or temporary) of the capacity to work. These events are unexpected and usually can change the normal course of life of the worker, causing significant losses in various aspects like domestic economics, emotional suffering and difficulty to reintegration to work. The sequels may be permanents and the situation can be aggravated by the no recognition of the legal rights of the accident work victim. The objective is to discuss the underreporting of occupational accidents in the country.

A case study of occupational accidents not reported and the impact of psychosocial history of this event in the worker.

The patient has an irreversible eye injury which does not configure inability to work but claims that it suffered as a result of the accident, emotional damage, such as depression and fear, which places it in an unsafe situation to go back to exercise its functions with a natural, new and greater psychological and social consequences. 

The data presented in this study indicate that underreporting of occupational accidents is a known issue and still unsolved, but the difficulty is access to databases officials to obtain reliable denominators to produce indicators to help in setting priorities for prevention politics.