A1930 The Prevalent Illness in the Personal Health and its differences with the general population

Monday, March 19, 2012
Ground Floor (Cancun Center)
Marta Prado, Ocupational Health, SM Consultora, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mabel Caputto, Medicina Laboral, Central Costanera, Ciudad de _Buenos Aires, Argentina
Osvaldo Birecci, Salud Ocupacional, Hospital Garrahn, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Poster final .pdf (140.4 kB)
  • Introduction
    Most of the processes taking place in the Health Sector in Argentina, are directed on improving patient care, but we must not forget that the staff is the most valuable element of an institution, so it must offer a secure environment that protects it from hazards and also to be comfortable. We note that in addition to the customary and known risks, such as biological, chemical, ergonomic and psychological, there is another problem, which is the incidence of certain diseases not usually associated with activity, but affect them much more significantly to this population, unrelated to the health workers.

    The study was conducted on a population of 3000 people working in different roles in a hospital of high complexity, the Qty. Buenos Aires, showing the incidence of three prevalent pathologies (neoplastic disease, cardiovascular, and psychiatric) of the population described and compared this result to the general population. In fact we analyze the factors that might influence the observed increase in health care workers.

    An increase in the incidence of these diseases that ranged from 10% to 50% of the health workers to the population in general. As regards to the factors influencing this increase, we consider the sex, age of the workers, the type of work, the extension of working hours, exposure to stress, dietary habits, moonlighting, how to pay the task, among others

    It has been extensively studied the common risk factors in the health workers, but as it emerges from the preceding study shows that should deepen the search for other diseases, "uncommon" which are especially prevalent in the staff health, and deteriorating prematurely the job skills of this population. This search should be done through tests that are not restrict to know occupational hazards, but a comprehensive preventive health examination, which will be held during the exhibition.