A1277 Work,leisure and entertainment :Gender Differences

Monday, March 19, 2012
Ground Floor (Cancun Center)
Mariorly Ruiz, Corpoelec, Universidad De Carabobo, San Joaquin, Venezuela, RB
Aismara Borges, Salud Ocupacional, Universidad de Carabobo, Maracay, Venezuela, RB
To know with perspective of genre what is understood by the social actors of an urban community in Venezuela by free time and leisure time, represents the main aim of this investigation with the purpose to discover the social representations built around the categories in study. To achieve this purpose a qualitative study was made, in which openintervies were realized, focused in the thematic

7 workers were interviewed in two opportunities each one, and answered as follow: Being inhabitant of the community chosen, active occupationally, of both sexes that accepted to take part in the study. Expressions like: Free time? My god! If it had it”, “free time to share with the boys”, “it Is the time that one is not doing any job”, 

“The leisure time is when the people have nothing to do at all and begin to invent not good things”, “ the house belongs to the woman”, “the men employ it to drink liquor, playing balls breed And gamble in horses races”, “the woman has less free time than us said the workers, when she arrives from her work has to do the chores at home.

In conclusions behind these sentences a sexual division at the work is seen, social construction through history that keeps valid in the unconscious of a community of men and women confirming that the domestic space is exclusively for women’s. Nevertheless the women interviewed, were played workers, they also had to played the price to go out to the street to work, sacrificing their free time.