A2050 Plasmatic cortisol concentration and laboral distress in medical residents of different medical specialties in The National Medical Center “La Raza”

Monday, March 19, 2012
Ground Floor (Cancun Center)
Sofia Gabriela Perales Alonso, Jefatura de Prestaciones Médicas - Coordinación de Salud en el Trabajo, Instituto Mexicano Del Seguro Social, Queretaro, Mexico
This study has the intention to determine if exists a relation between occupational distress and the modification of the concentration of plasmatic cortisol in a group of resident doctors of the C.M.N. La Raza of the Mexican Institute Of Social Security ( IMSS)
It´s important to mention that the more representative occupational disease in our days is distress and that that diverse national and international studies show that in this time exist a diminution in occupational traditional risks (specific or monocausal industrial diseases) here as it promotes the prevalence of multi cause: diseases, related to the work and in particular the symptoms associated to distress

Was applied to 52 medical residents the Maslach questionnaire, and with a predicted index of the occupational distress degree, with a test laboratory of plasmatic cortisol chemiolumenescence, the concentrations of this one were obtained, later with these values correlated the two variables for the application of the test of Man- Whitney.

The age average was of 26.69, with a greater frequency in the rank of 26-30 years (75%). The specialties with occupational distress were Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine, Critical Medicine, and Occupational Medicine. The cortisol concentrations for these specialties exceeded 15 micrograms/dl. We found low distress in the 38% of the population and high distress in the62%. With the test of Mann-Whitney correlation of a p=0.0001was obtained

The high plasmatic cortisol concentrations are related to high levels of occupational distress. The study offers antecedents for the accomplishment of preventive programs focused to diminish distress labor of this population, as well as for the opening of new line of investigation