A1684 Using leading and lagging indicators for evaluating OSH performance

Tuesday, March 20, 2012: 17:00
Xcaret 1 (Cancun Center)
Zofia Pawlowska, Health and Safety Management, Central Institute For Labour Protection - National Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland
To evaluate OSH performance different indicators may be used including lagging (or outcomes) indicators as well as leading (or performance) indicators. Lagging indicators (such as e.g. occupational accidents rates, absence rates, etc.) characterize changes in safety performance over time. Leading indicators (such as number of OSH-related trainings, number of OSH inspections, etc.) provide information whether and in what degree prevention-oriented actions’ plans are implemented.
The research has been performed with the aim to identify lagging and leading indicators used to evaluate OSH performance in companies with and without implemented voluntary OSH management system and the leading indicators which are the most important for accident prevention.

A questionnaire survey has been performed in 60 companies with and without voluntary OSH management systems. The most frequently used lagging and leading indicators, differences in evaluating OSH performance between companies with and without voluntary OSH management systems and the relationships between leading and lagging indicators were identified using statistical methods.

The evaluation of the OSH performance in the companies surveyed is primarily based on lagging indicators. Leading indicators are more often used in companies with voluntary OSH management systems. The most frequently used leading indicators are related to actions required by law. For example, in more than 85% of the companies surveyed leading indicators were related to OSH trainings of workers. Leading indicators related to employee participation have been identified as one of the most important for accident prevention.

OSH performance of many companies is still evaluated on the basis of lagging indicators which do not provide information necessary to respond effectively to changing circumstances. Implementation of voluntary OSH management system may influence using of leading indicators. However, there is still a need to support the development of OSH performance monitoring and evaluation in companies.