A2138 Stress related high blood pressure on a group of high-workers. Retrospective study

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Ground Floor (Cancun Center)

Roxana Maria Stamatin, Occupational Medicine, Medcenter Health Clinic, Focsani, Romania
Stressful working-places can cause blood pressure to spike temporarily, but also can cause long-term high blood pressure.
Jobs with high responsibility or risks are acting as a contributing factor to cardio-vascular abnormalities, along with some life habits, diet, sedentariness.

This 3 years study is made on 56 outside high workers from a phone and cable/ satelite television company, during their annual medical check-up and other visits to the occupational medicine specialist, with specific medical and lab tests (including general physical examinations, EKG, blood sugar, audiogram/ ENT consult, ophtalmological and psychological examinations, etc.). Every year were made: worlplaces visits and detailed discussions with every employee about the physical and psychological working conditions and about their life habits. The distribution by sex and age groups is as it follows: 6 women and 50 men, 3 persons between 21-30 years old (y.o.), 19 persons between 31-40 y.o., 19 persons between 41-50 y.o. and 15 persons between 51-60 y.o.

The high blood pressure (HBP) is present in 38 cases (67,85%), border-line rates for BP were measured in 8 cases (14,28%) and the others (10 cases, 17,85%) presented normal BP among all 3 years. During the study, new cases of HBP were added.

High workers, with permanent GPS monitoring, with tasks that increase permanently from day to day in a unfriendly enviroment(depending on the weather), are dealing with a cardio-vascular pathology, the most common expression being HBP. Regular visits to the cardiologist, to the general practitioner, psychological training for dealing the stress and a focused care to the diet could minimize the negative effects on the cardio-vascular system. The occupational medicine specialiste should continue to observe these patients and should build ergonomic and health care programs for them.