A1064 Exercise and the impact on health

Friday, March 23, 2012
Ground Floor (Cancun Center)
Montiel Carmona, Human Resources, Potable Water And Sewer System Of Leon, Gto. Mexico, Leon, Gto., Mexico
according to who(world health organization)mexico is in the 7 place among countries in the world who exercise but we are in first place in obesity.nowadays in europa and the u.s.a they have low calory diets,eat less junk food and have better eating habits.in mexico we do something like that but the principal problem is our eating habits and traditions.we watch a lot of tv,use the computer,sit all day and these all lead to our living a sedentary lifestyle this means that we don´t get enough exercise wich is one of the primary causes of weigth gaine and obesity,high blood pressure,high cholesterol,heart disease,diabetes and premature death.

we started our physical activity in may 2010 in our work place(potable water and sewer system of leon,gto.mexico) and it is on going.the water system provides us with the facilities and the time to run the program.the physical activity program consists in doing low impact aerobics exercises,requiring 10 seconds repetitions during 10 minutes without rest,monday to friday between 8.00 and 8.10 a.m.the workers exercise wearing their uniform.to evaluate the program progress we take measurements on a monthly basis of the individual´s weigth and waist and once a year we conduct laboratory test : blodd,glucose,uric acid,triglycerides,cholesterol,hdl,ldl,vldl,atherogenic rate,ggt,urine.

the group who participated daily and was constant had significant reductions in weigth and waist measurements,
69% of this group experienced less of illness as follows medical assistances 2010=118;2011=37;absent days 2010=6;2011=0;labor accidents 2010=2;2011=0.group comments:i feel more active,i have more energy,i don´t feel drow during the day,i stat work in better form,i greater flexibility,better condition,i changed my eating habits,
improved emotional weel being,exercise with the family.

even a small increase in our daily level of physical activity can dramatically improve our health,muscular strength
and endurance,body composition,flexibility and cardiorespiratory endurance.