Mexico reported in 2009, 13 814.544 workers insured by the Social Security Mexican Institute (IMSS), that means that 70% of Mexican workers do not have this protection, in contradiction with the article 123 form the constitution. As this vulnerable group of workers does not any medical and legal protection in case of having an injury or illness, to support their labor rights the Mexico City local Labor Department has an Occupational Health Office to advocate for the defense and evaluations of these cases
This is a study of the records of occupational injuries and diseases of workers that are not in the social security system and were attended by our office from 2007-2009.
A total of 82 cases of occupational injuries and diseases were studied. From them 81.49% were men and 19.51% women, their age was form 13 to 69 years old. A 98.8% suffered an industrial accident and 1.2% had an occupational disease. They frequency of injuries and illnesses by economic activities was in the services and domestic labor 46.4%, in the manufacturing industry 26.82%, and construction 24.39%. By affected region, the lesions were at wrist and hand 32.92%, arms excluding wrist and hand 21.95%, whole body 14.62%, legs 9.75%, 7.31% lumbar region, and 3.65% in eyes. By type of residual grade of disability were Partial Permanent Disability 95.1%, Total Permanent Disability 1.2%, and without assessable sequels 3.65%.
To surveillance the application of the Labor Law to assure worker´s rights it’s a duty of the Social Security and Labor agencies to diminish the job-related morbi-mortality and the improvement of all workers working conditions.