A1750 Quality of life, job satisfaction and organizational issues in the workplace

Wednesday, March 21, 2012: 15:35
Coba (Cancun Center)
Telma Silva, Nursing, University Of Campinas - Unicamp, Jaguariuna, Brazil
Inês Monteiro, Nursing, University Of Campinas - Unicamp, Campinas, Brazil
Carlos Serrano, EHS, Motorola, Jaguariuna, Brazil
The scientific quality of life (QWL) at work approach discuss extensively the balance between work and other domains of life, the social role of the organization and the importance balance between life style and work life.
The study was conducted at a manufacturing industry to explore these aspects and their relationship to workers absenteeism

the study objective was to correlate quality of life, job satisfaction, current work ability and absenteeism. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 560 workers, using the following instruments self applied: socio-demographic questionnaire, a standardized questionnaire of WHO WHOQOL-Bref. (Fleck, 2000), the Satisfaction Scale from Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI) (Cooper, 1990) and the first question of the Work Ability Index (Tuomi et. al, 1997). The data was analyzed using SPSS ®, SAS ® and the associations between variables are analyzed using the chi-square analysis of variance and covariance analysis. Tree groups were selected

The comparative study among employees who missed more than ten days of a year and not missed at work showed that the first group has a lower overall quality of life, lower job satisfaction and work ability. The social demographic data was quite homogeneous in all aspects

Aspects of the scale of job satisfaction have shown dissatisfaction with aspects of recognition and feedback, career opportunities, skills development and work environment. The recently company's restructuring and weakening of human resource tools can be a contributing factor to this result. The company has demonstrated a proactive attitude in implementing actions that contribute to raising the morale and motivation of employees.