A1802 Flexibility of Smoking Cessation Program Among the Small and Medium sized enterprises

Friday, March 23, 2012
Ground Floor (Cancun Center)
Dae Seong Kim, Center for Occupational Disease Research, Korea Occupapational Safety & Health Agency, Occupational Safety & Health Research Institute, Incheon, South Korea
Jian Li, Deaprtment of Health management, Sarang Hospital, Incheon, South Korea
Yeon-sook Lee, Department of Planning, Association of Occupational Health Nursing, Seoul, South Korea
Young-sik Park, Department of Occuapional Health, Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency, Incheon, South Korea
Small sized enterprises which have vulnerable workplaces have poor life style complex. A formative work is required for more balanced implementation because the paucity of preventive activities have been laid in the workplace setting. Our question was to what extent did leadership and employee involvement in intervention as expected as smoking cessation program.

Life style is not existed in isolation but connects with work-related conditions. Workplace Health Promotion should be leaded to improving facilitators among the small- and medium sized enterprises. We have introduced two concepts of it's and measured the outcome of smoking cessation program among 250 company (1,681 workers) for 4 years. They are "the intergrated health promotion(IHP)" and "the worker's participatory action'. We analyzed the data including the smoking cessation program using the statistical program(SPSS).

We have operated 3 types of the program; inside, outbound, and partnership program. But 6 months smoking cessation success rate was different from each other, the inside(33.0%), the outbound(42.0%), and partnership(28.0%). It seems employer and manager's smoking status is more affective than the concern and involvement of them, and worker's participation. The smoking reduction rate in company was 10.2%. We have measured the cogintion and behavior through the self awareness, incotine dependency and the interpersonal familiarty.

The study would examine the relationship between behavioral change, health consequences and the enviornment, in conjunction with the cost effectiveness of the approach.