SS074-2 Biomechatronics arms and legs

Monday, March 19, 2012: 14:35
Bacalar 3 (Cancun Center)
Alma Adriana Camacho Pérez, Mexico
Diseases or accidents in the upper or lower members stablish important social and economic problems in modern society, the functionality of these can sometimes be recovered in part through surgical or therapeutic interventions. However, to give a diagnosis or surgical solution by the medical teams can be a variety that depends on the experience, knowledge or results of references1. Whereas Biomechanics is a branch of bioengineering devoted to the study of biological systems in order to understand the musculoskeletal system. Research in biomechanics help predict the behavior of the human body to replace body parts and also the development of clinical and surgical equipment. Within the medical biomechanics it relates to the design of prostheses, new materials for prostheses, evaluation of prosthetic and bone deformities.  This project is characterized by involve several areas of knowledge such as:  Mechatronics, Robotics, Biomechanics and Medicine. The development of prosthetic and orthotic for the comprehensive rehabilitation of the patient, through the integration of multidisciplinary groups of the medical, biomechanical and mechatronic, aims to achieve integration of the individual to society and their productive activities, generating savings in time and resources in their rehabilitation, to provide more functional elements that already exist.  This project involves the development of prostheses for the comprehensive rehabilitation of the patient, lower limb and / or later, referring to the lower calls we will focus on transtibial and transfemoral prosthesis for patients who have suffered amputations through illness or accident. Which shall consist of electromechanical elements with simple configurations and light weight materials located in the domestic market. This with the aim of having a simple and inexpensive dentures, but above all functional and adapted to the Mexican population.