SS105-1 Occupational Health Professionals, chemical hazards, lesions, knowledge and management: is training and education curriculum adapted?

Monday, March 19, 2012: 16:00
Bacalar 2-3 (Cancun Center)
Janine Bigaignon Fanchette, France
Introduction: The number of CAS is increased to 65 million,labelling modified. Due to recent reform of our occupational health system in France, the number of occupational health nurses (OHN) has increased considerably. The curriculum contents have been reviewed but the time allocated to training is the same for the past 20 years.  

Objectives: Evaluate health professionals’ knowledge, raise public awareness regarding chemical hazards and prevention, improve professionals’ training curriculum  Methodology: survey through questionnaire sent to over 400 professionals. Questions are divided in three parts, centred on time allocated to chemical hazards & lesions during training, health professionals' knowledge, and third on initial preventive measures, and management.  

Results: survey in progress. Final results will be discussed at ICOH congress 2012. Temporary results pinpoint lack of homogeneity in teaching methods as well as lack of time to prepare occupational health professionals  

Conclusion: Necessity to adapt curriculum to new professional environmental needs and demands. The survey will help to answer the question of time allocated, knowledge regarding this subject