Monday, March 19, 2012: 15:35
Gran Cancun 3 (Cancun Center)
Antonio Valenti, Department of Occupational Medicine, INAIL (formerly ISPESL), Monteporzio Catone (Rome), Italy
Introduction The search for alternative models of growth in the midst of the financial and ecological crisis has increased interest in the "green growth paradigm”. In fact, the EU Strategy 2020 has identified among the three key drivers to emerge from the economic crisis, the sustainable growth. Green jobs, defined as jobs that help to improve the environment, do not necessarily mean that they are safe jobs, many of these are “dirty, dangerous and difficult” or underpaid.  This study is aimed at analyzing the correlation between climate change and labour market with a view to identify the potential impact of the green jobs on occupational health and safety (OH&S).    

Methods This study is based on a critical analysis of literature, legislative framework and statistical data in order to underline the political, economic, policy and, in particular, OH&S aspects of the workers employed in the green sector  

Results Unlike the global economic and employment stagnation, the environmental sector shows an opposite trend. At global level, in 2008 there were 11 million of people employed in the green sector, that according to some statistic projections will be 20 million in 2030. In Italy, in 2010 were employed 900.000 people that will be 1.4 million in 2020.  

Discussion The identification of these new professionals or the redefinition of the traditional works in ecological perspective, involves different and more defined skills and new challenges for workers and employers. It  is necessary a qualitative assessment covering all aspects of “green jobs”, organization, professional growth, wages, and in particular health and safety at work (e.g. the new and emerging risks in the workplace due to the introduction of new technologies), in order to identify information/training measures to enhance skills of employees at all levels and to protect their working conditions.