SS011-2 Implementing a National Occupational Health Improvement Framework in England: The Role of Social Media

Thursday, March 22, 2012: 14:35
Coba (Cancun Center)
John Harrison, Imperial Health at Work, Imperial College Healthcare / Brunel University, London, United Kingdom
Working for a healthier tomorrow by Professor Dame Carol Black has stressed the importance of the health and wellbeing of the working age population and has been critical of “silo” working in occupational health. A review of the health and wellbeing of NHS (National Health Service) staff by Dr Steve Boorman has subsequently set out the action that should be taken by government and by healthcare organizations to improve occupational health provision, as part of embedding the health and wellbeing agenda into every day practice.   The government response has been to develop an occupational health improvement framework that will guide the boards of healthcare organizations and the clinicians and managers of occupational health providers on a change management programme aimed at raising standards. Engagement will be essential to deliver transformational change at a time of financial austerity. This presentation will describe the use of social media as part of a multi-channel approach to deliver programmes of change.